Cualli Tonalli this day Ozomatli with the guardian Xochipilli the god of love, sing, dance, and play. The new moon is upon us and what a perfect way to start our cycle. How we create with out vessels is key this moon cycle. We can dance, sing, create, open our hearts for moments of glistening love that can touch even the most desperate case of bitterness and lack of grace. Looking to the old ways we can identify where we lack. We gather in groups of drunken ritual to breed and release instead of come together to express the joy and love of our beauty and healing. But event the toxicity of humanness reaches into the circles of people who claim spiritual elevation without this celebration of Xochipilli.
The power today is chicuauhtli the barn owl. reminding us to always pay attention to how we are treated calling upon chicuauhtli to help us see through the darkness being cast our way. The lord of the night is Pilzintecultli the youth lord of sacred medicinal plants and Mercury, the sun's little brother. It is a wonderful night for healing. Ometeolt Sarah
Alt with the guardian Xuihetcultli of time or the "old god." The moon is still in waning crescent as we reflect on our cycle. Water feeds, covers, cleans, and refreshes. It is our birthright. We are all from the water. Every gender, color, culture, animal, plants. Water is life. That is why the old god is the guardian. When ego and greed gets involved water has been sold, poisoned, and disrespected. Only those who have been deprived of their right to clean water understand the value of the simple requirement for clean water. We look at the word dam today. It is damned when it is held back. When a person stops the flow, they dam it.
The power today comes from cuauhtli - eagle. The revered bird of high flight and vision. we honor the symbolism today for freedom of the waters. For listening to the one who has high vision, creator. A vision for the future. The guardian is also Xuihtecultli the old god. Tonight we can light our fires to be in reverence to that which orders everything. When we see the plan then we deny the plan we compromise the vision. Stay in conscious contact with creator and stay on path with what the creator's plan is and all will be well. When greed, ego, fear, insult, and jealousy take your reigns, it pulls your cart off the path and causes a bumpy ride. Ometeotl - Sarah Art by Chicome Itzquintli Tochtli with the Guardian Mayahuel the goddess of pulque and the divine milk to feed the abundance that is here. The moon phase is waning cresent - reflection. Once we reflect, we glean all the abundance that tochtli has to offer. We leave what is no longer needed so that we can receive more. When we empty the hand of what is taking up space we open up room for more receiving. Empty your hand and allow for the next cycle to bring in more of what you need. The power today is itzpaplotl, the obsidian butterfly. Here to increase the transformation of our ending moon cycle into the next incarnation of ourselves. We step out of the moon of the drone and into the next moon of pollin, as the bee priestesses call it.
The lord of the night is Tlaloc the god of rain. Tonight we look for the essences to be raining down abundance as lucky rabbit is present. Tlaloc is he giver of life and sustenance. Ometeotl Sarah The guardians today are Mayahuel & Tlaloc. The Goddess of milk of the earth and the God of rain. Often traditionally thought of as spirits, the pulque is much like kombucha and was a sacred drink. Humans now struggle with this form of medicine and we are a slave to the treatment of it. When it is treated with reverence and sacred value, it is a tool for liberation. When we carelessly distribute spirits for profit motive, we see what happens. Dependency, unconsciousness and a darkness that can leave the consumer depleted and empty once it's effects wear off. Tlaloc teaches this by looking how the rain can nourish or destroy. Gentle care allows plants to stretch high to the sky without damage. Noting also that some plants gain strong stalks when rain is violent and pushes them down, however many do not make it.
Mazalt is the the sacred herd animal that can not be fenced in. It is law. Deer must run free and use the land as it's foundation. Deer medicine is heart centered and brings us closer to god. Deer unless protected and treated with reverence, want no part of human interaction much like the pulque also we must treat with reverence to the sacred so that we can see the immense medicine that pulls us closer to creator. The power today Tecolotl, the screech owl. They have the trill of territory and familial lines. Bringing the night and stars closer to our middle earth realms. Tecolotl spends their lives waiting for the night. The time when the veils are thin and our collective is restoring. The lord of the night - Tepeyolotl an incarnate of Tezcatlipoca dressed in the skin of ocelot representing the starts in the night sky and the color the sunset. This magical time of twilight is full of medicine and evolves us closer to the flow of our lives. Tepeyolotl links the heart of heaven and the heart of earth. Ometeolt. Sarah Welcome this day Miquitzli - Death with the guardian Tecciztecatl - the one who carries the snail, God of the moon. Moon Phase - waning crescent, to reflect. In these times of collective outcry for the woman, we see a strong primal uprising from those who hold the power to revolt. We revolt to stand for a principle. Standing in the embodiment of the woman we declare the death of the idea that anyone should choose for anyone else based on an unexperienced viewpoint. The calendar points to the truth, a guardian with a cyclical knowledge of the moon cycle and how it courses through the woman in the way of blood. The evidence that our women circles must mend and heal is present now more than ever. We must rise above our ego, greed, self inflation, caddy BS, envy, and jealousy. When we allow these toxic and underlying principles to pull us apart we are not strong and we are not able to come to-get-her.
The power today is the itzcuauhtli - the crow. Long known as the witches familiar for a reason. Crow is the intra-dimensional traveler and seer of conflict. Crow is the bird of our eldership as women. We call to this bird to assist us to face the challenges we are facing for the future of our world. The lordess of the night is Tlazoteotl the goddess of filth. She is the wise and ancient curandera who brings the cleansing of the filth. We call to her ancient wisdom tonight for those women who are trapped in the cycle of poison amongst other women. Ometeotl Sarah ![]() Cualli Tonalli this day Coalt with the guardian Chalchiuhtlicue, the jade skirt. Goddess of terrestrial water. Moon phase - waning crescent, to reflect. In the spirit of the jade skirt which winds its way along the spine of mother earth we twist and turn finding our ways through these times. As a collective of our nation and our world we find how we are thinking, blending, believing and how this cycle has unfolded. With the power animal today being Zollin, quail who represents the accumulation of sun on the earth, we are encouraged to lay on her fertile ground and listen to her ancient wisdom. Snake is beloved to mother earth. Snake uses every body segment griping her and sensing with uniquely designed systems. It is no wonder that snake is also a pet to many. The lord of the night - Chlchiuhtlicue who is the most important female figures linking to baptisms and the liquid from which we began. Tonight and today is about the water. Ometeotl Sarah Cualli Tlanessi this day Cuetzpallin with the guardian Huehuecoyotl, old dance shaman. Moon phase, waning crescent - Reflection. The trecena of this day Ehecatl, wind.
Lizard is the regeneration and regrowth of what was lost. It represents that abundant nature and the trust in the process that everything is replaced in this world. The cycle is continually providing us with more. This is the energy of the day. The perfect co-essence for this day is Huehuecoyotl the dreamweaver dance shaman of magic. It is said that he visits dreams and entices women to lust. The power today is Tohtli, hawk. Any chicken keeper knows the cunning of hawk. Hawk plans with consistent attention to its search. Some traditions say that hawk can look directly into the sun and see vision. Hawk is the medicine of personal development. The lord of the night - Miclantecuhtli the lord of the place of rest and stillness. Within the directions we find at the lowest or northernmost part of the underworld is Miclantecuhtli. Also called Popocatzin who is the god of shadows in the mythical stories. It is a place we all pass through and so we strive to ease this seemingly ferocious place by making peace with it. Standing before the king of darkness can we shine our light? Ometeotl, Sarah Cualli Tonalli this day Calli, house with the guardian Tepeyollotl - The heart of the mountain. Moon is in waning crescent phase. A time of reflection over our last moon cycle. The energies are primed to take a trip insideour consciousness and do a house cleaning. What worked well and what needs repurposing? Calli is what protects. Supported by the energies of the mountains. We call to the energies of these mountains to support our lives and protect us from the fierceness of the elements. The power today comes from Quetzalhuitzizilli - The green hummingbird. We can call upon this beautiful colibri verde to assist in our house cleaning paying special attention to the heart. How is our heart processing and opening to the ones who are of most importance. How can we distribute this energy throughout the rest of our lives or does it happen effortlessly when we allow hummingbird's light to shine.
The lord of the night is Centeolt the essence of sustenance and embodies both feminine and masculine energies. It is a wonderful night to sit in Calli with family and enjoy our bounty. Ometeolt. Sarah Cualli Tlanessi this beautiful Summer Solstice arriving on the beginning of trecena Ehecatl, Wind with the guardian of the trecena Chantico - The Goddess of Fire. Represented in the Codex Borgia this trecena is a time of ceremonial fire and water. The white heron or egret is depicted and ceremonial cacao is ingested with reverence. Chantico is the woman inside the house and the one from the fire within the home. She is bringing warmth inside our homes both physical and structural.
The day is also Ehecatl with the Guardian Quetzalcoalt, the feathered snake or the sower. Moon phase, Waning cresent - Reflect. The longest day of our calendar year and the beginning of summer. The sun is at it's zenith at noon today and so supercharged is our prayer at this time. Utilizing the energies of ehecatl or wind we can magnify our prayers. Ehecatl is the divine breathe given at birth. it is our everything for without it we cease existence. Those standing at the east altar in wholeness are charging the future with the embodiment of eldership and a balance that is essential for our collective future. The power today is is Xuihuitzilli the turquoise hummingbird. Today hummingbird with the energies represent a great responsibility for others to follow. Age is a number. How long we study is a number. True evolution of all of our subtle bodies depends on other factors. How do we behave in our day to day. What have we mastered in our maturity. Is it jealousy, vanity, empathy? Turquoise hummingbird thrusts us forward in this school of life to illuminate how we behave. Sometimes what looks from the the outside like a blemish becomes an asset that elevates our soul to its highest zenith. The lord of the night, Pilzintecuhtli, The solar youthful lord, depicted with seven circles and a flower. He is the essence of sacred plants and especially the plants that heal our psyche. It is the night of looking up to the stars and planets especially given our solstice. Ometeotl Sarah ![]() with the guardians Tonacatecuhtli-Tonacacíhuatl. Lord and Lady of our livelihood and our flesh.Moon Phase - Last Quarter, Breathe. This is the first diviner symbol and the beginning. It begins for us all with male and female genders and caiman is the shape of the female anatomy which is the first entrance to our world, for most. It is significant in fertility, abundance, and enjoyment. Our moon phase is guiding us to breathe and focus on the manifestation principles of let go to receive. A closed fist or constricted lung can't draw in anything. The power today comes from Cochotl, or parrot. A beautiful presence with an auditory gift. Parrots remind us of the beauty that one holds, which can enchant. This beauty isn't without bite as one can find out being bitten by the parrot who has a peanut crushing psi! This represents our learning whether we want tame or wild in our lives. The lord of the night is Tezcatlipoca the smoky mirror. The Aztec God of the North and co-essence of many deities, energies, and myths. Tezcatlipoca is the lesson we can't run from. It is when we think we don't have a cost for our mistakes and the piper shows up to be paid. It is the great fault finder and accountability in our lives. Even when it seems that others operate horribly with seeming impunity, in the end Tezcatlipoca swoops in with the mirror for those who avoid an inventory until death even. The message here is to not wait until death to make amends. The message is to be accountable and not only to ourselves, but to those we have harmed to clear the blemishes from our soul record. Ometeotl - Sarah |
Teachers:Blend of Codex Borgia, & Tonalamatl, with credit to Abuela Malinalli & Xochiquetzalli.............. As well as, Alma & Xolotl who have graciously repaired my faith in these traditions. Ometeotl! Archives
July 2022
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